More surprises from our 'Small girl with Big dreams'

Antonella Massini, from Cambridge College Lima, Peru, 'our Little girl with Big dreams' has also earned the Gold Award in Ar t category and Silver Award in Film category in 2016 Ocean Awareness Student Contest . Congratulations Antonella! Launched in 2011, the Ocean Awareness Student Contest is an interdisciplinary competition that encourages students to think creatively about how humans’ actions impact the health of our oceans and coastal environments. Each year the Ocean Awareness Student Contest is open to eligible middle and high school students from around the world who may submit works in four categories: Art, Poetry, Prose, and Film. The Ocean Awareness Student Contest has awarded more than $100,000 in scholarships to talented students since it began five years ago. The Contest—which received over 2,100 entries from 44 U.S. states and 67 countries in 2016—continues to grow each year, a result of the positive-feedback cycles inherent in a program focused on outreach,...