#116 Homeostasis in plants

Stomata have daily rhythms of opening and closing and also respond to changes in environmental conditions to - allow diffusion of CO 2 - regulate water loss by transpiration Stomata open due to: Stomata close due to: high light intensity low concentration of CO 2 darkness high concentration of CO 2 low humidity high temperature water stress Opening and closing of stomata ATP powers proton pumps to actively transport H + out of cell There is a low concentration of H + and negative charge inside the cell --> K + channels open --> K + diffuse in High concentration of K + inside the cell decreases water potential Water moves in via osmosis Water entry increases the volume of the guard cell, causing it to expand --> open Structure of stomata Each stomatal pore is surrounded by 2 guard cells. Guard cells: open when turgid (gain water) close when flaccid (lose water) Abscisic acid and stomatal closure Abscisic acid (ABA) is a st...